Hello! I am a theoretical physicist.
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne
Zülpicher Str. 77a, 50937 Cologne, Germany
Email: ->urban.seifert@uni-koeln.de
Research group
I am leading an Emmy Noether research group at the University of Cologne.
Please visit ->our group website for details.
Research and publications
My work is concerned with understanding new collective phenomena that arise in interacting many-body systems.
I am particularly interested in frustrated magnetism and spin liquids, quantum matter in (moiré) van der Waals heterostructures, and non-equilibrium phenomena in optically driven matter.
A list of my publications can be found on ->Google Scholar and the ->arXiv.
Teaching and outreach
I enjoy sharing my passion for physics.
In the years 2016-2019, I have taught classes on contemporary topics of theoretical physics at the ->Deutsche SchülerAkademie, a summer school for gifted high school students.
I have given several public science talks, for example in the ->Skype a Scientist program and at the ->Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Short CV
2024-now | Group leader, University of Cologne |
2021-2024 | Postdoc, KITP Santa Barbara, U.S.A. |
2020-2021 | Postdoc, ENS Lyon, France |
2016-2019 | PhD Student, TU Dresden |
2015-2016 | MASt in Theoretical Physics (Part III of the Mathematical Tripos), Univ. of Cambridge |
2013-2015 | B. Sc. in Physics, TU Dortmund |
Funding and awards
2024 | Emmy Noether Grant, DFG ->more… |
2024 | Project leader, CRC 1238, DFG ->more… |
2021 | Walter-Benjamin-Fellowship, DFG |
2021 | George-Helm-Medal, TU Dresden ->more… |
2020 | Dissertation Prize Physics, TU Dresden ->more… |
2016 | Thatcher Prize and Honorary 1912 Senior Scholar, Fitzwilliam College, Univ. of Cambridge |
2015 | Graduate Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |